Why Do We Always Need to Check Your X-rays?

When you come to our office for a regular check-up, one of the steps we take is an x-ray. We also use x-rays when you come in for some problem with your teeth and gums. It often seems like we take too many x-rays or take them too often. It is important to understand...

Ways of Keeping Dental Crowns Safe from Damage

Dental crowns are strong and durable, but they can also be damaged and can even fall out of your mouth if you’re not careful. When that occurs, your tooth becomes vulnerable to damage, and the root of the tooth may even be exposed. That can be painful, so you...

Do Cracked Teeth Require Repairs?

Cracked teeth happen from time to time. Due to this, it is important to know whether or not you need to have them repaired. This repair can help keep the tooth integrity as good as it can possibly be, while also ensuring that the person get the right care needed...