Root Canal Therapy
Do you have a tooth that has prolonged pain when exposed to hot or cold? Or do you have a constant, throbbing pain in your tooth? These could be signs of a tooth that has an infected or dying pulp. The pulp of the tooth is the “living” part of the tooth, containing nerves, blood vessels, and other soft tissue. Whenever the pulp becomes constantly inflamed (irreversible pulpitis), the only way to effectively eliminate the infection and pain is to either remove the entire tooth (extraction) or remove the pulp and seal it with a bioinert material (root canal therapy). In many cases, a dental crown may also be recommended for the tooth receiving the root canal therapy due to the amount of tooth structure removed from decay and cleaning the pulp.
One major advantage of performing root canal therapy over an extraction is that you get to keep the natural tooth. The main advantage of the extraction option is that it is less expensive and takes less time; however, there are drawbacks to having a missing space and permanent options for filling that space back can be costly and time-consuming. If either a root canal or extraction are possible treatment options for one of your teeth, feel free to ask Dr. Street any questions you have about either plan.
There are a few different reasons why a root canal treatment may be recommended besides just for a tooth that is hurting:
- Irreversible pulpitis: constant inflammation of the pulp due to infection or trauma
- Dental abscess: active infection in the bone surrounding tooth roots. In most of these cases, the pulp of the tooth has already died, but the infection has spread to the bone. Once this infection spreads to the bone, it can spread to other nearby spaces—such as in the mouth, under the tongue, in the cheeks, and in the nasal sinuses. Unfortunately, these abscesses can grow unnoticed for years and can be relatively painless for some time, until they start causing more serious problems. Depending on the size of the abscess, an extraction may be the only recommended option if the tooth does not have enough bone support.
- Fractured or chipped tooth that affects the pulp: trauma to a tooth causing either pulp exposure or damage
- Deep decay: sometimes decay in the tooth can be so deep that the infected tooth structure leads right into the pulp. At this point, it may be recommended to have a root canal treatment to prevent irreversible pulpitis from occurring.
If you a have a tooth that has been bothering you, let Dr. Street know! Depending on the symptoms, it may or may not need a root canal. Dr. Street will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about your teeth!
Give your Tulsa dentist at T-Town smiles a call at (918) 488-9770 to schedule an appointment.
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Looking for a full-service dentist in Tulsa?
At the office of Dr. Scott Street, we offer stress-free family care using modern technology and an old-fashioned personal approach. We provide a full selection of dental treatments, from routine cleanings to top-quality dental restorations. If you are looking for a full-service family dentist in Tulsa, OK, call us today at 918-481-4922 or use our online Appointment Request form.
Office Location
Suite 1107 (11th Floor)
Tulsa, OK 74136
Phone: 918-481-4922
Fax: 918-481-4969
Office Hours
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Additional times are available.
Dr. Scott Street and the team at T-Town Smiles are proud to be the local Tulsa Dentist serving families in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Oakhurst, Bixby, Glenpool and surrounding Tulsa communities.